+1 732-904-1759
NJSP Trooper Youth Week

NJSP Trooper Youth Week

CONGRATULATIONS BJJ Shore Academy students Willie Scott, Tyler Zukowitz, Katelyn Chirico and Tyler MacLaine for graduating the New Jersey State Police Trooper Youth Week Camps!   A POLICE-ORIENTED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM  Trooper Youth Week is a residential youth...
VOTE 4 BJJ Shore Academy

VOTE 4 BJJ Shore Academy

BJJ Shore Academy would greatly appreciate your VOTE this year again for the “Best of the Best” Martial Arts School. (Takes only 1 min) , Click on link www.app.com/vote then Ocean County , then people n services and scroll down to Martial Arts. Type in BJJ...
KIDS BJJ Belt Promotions – July 2014

KIDS BJJ Belt Promotions – July 2014

CONGRATULATIONS to our newly promoted kids in our youth program this month as six more dedicated students received their well deserved new belt rank from Professor Bill Scott!! GREAT JOB New BJJ “Yellow/White” belts – Marius, Donovan, Thomas and...
The Harper Tretola Fundraiser

The Harper Tretola Fundraiser

On June 29th, 2014 Law Enforcement came together to help raise funds for sweet baby girl Harper Tretola who was diagnosed with Hydrops Fetalis; a very serious medical condition. Ship Bottom Police Officer Brian Tretola and his wife Rachel recently welcomed their brand...