+1 732-904-1759


BJJ Shore Academy Kids Birthday Parties are a FUN, EXCITING and UNIQUE way to celebrate your child’s birthday! Your Jiu-Jitsu Birthday personal host and instructor keeps all the children entertained while teaching them cool martial arts skills. You can be sure it will...


PLEASE HELP SUPPORT AND MEET OUR COURAGEOUS BJJ STUDENT FIGHTING THE BATTLE OF HIS LIFE! BJJ BLACK BELT SEMINAR APRIL 26TH, 2014 10:30AM –12:30PM, Live Training to follow seminar. FEE – Minimum $25 DONATION or more is appreciated. 100% Of All The Proceeds go...


Its been a long winter but the mats have been packed and training is on top of all our students list as spring and summer is on its way!!! ADULTS, TEENS & KIDS COME JUMP IN AND CHECK OUT OUR AMAZING ACADEMY WITH THE JERSEY SHORE’S 3X “BEST OF THE...
New Look for Website

New Look for Website

You may have noticed BrazilianJiuJitsuCenter.com is currently over going a major site redesign. It is our goal to make the site more friendly and accessible to our customers to ensure that you always know what is going on with BJJ Shore Academy! While we work on this,...
BJJ Shore Academy Kids Martial Arts

BJJ Shore Academy Kids Martial Arts

HELLO PARENTS: There are many reasons to enroll your children and keep them training the Martial Arts. It builds self-confidence and teaches discipline which will provide a solid foundation from which your children will develop strong character. The values and lessons...


CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BJJ STUDENTS who competed this past weekend at the NAGA Grappling Championship tournament in PA. All three took the drive out and came back with medals!! AWESOME JOB GUYS TOM MANELSKI 1st Place Mens No-Gi Expert Division TODD WILLEY 1st Place...